Is Special K Cereal Easy to Digest

The goal of the Special K Diet is simple – lose six pounds in just two weeks. By eating a serving of Special K Cereal with skim milk and fruit for breakfast, a Special K Protein Bar for lunch, a normal meal for dinner, and two Special K snacks, fruits or vegetables to munch on throughout the day, you can drop a jeans size in just 14 days.

The Special K Diet is a short-term weight loss program created by Kellog's around the Special K Cereal they manufacture. It promotes quick weight loss through portion control and reduced daily calorie intake.

Advantages of the Special K Diet

Special K Diet

It's simple and doable

The Special K Diet is popular for a reason. It is simple and easy to commit to. Anyone can do it and can get started with it at anytime. The diet is also economical since the recommended food options are readily available for purchase. The meal plan is also easy to follow.

Below is a sample meal plan of the Special K Diet:

  • Breakfast: One serving of Special K Cereal 2/3 cup skim milk Your choice of fruit Coffee without sugar
  • Lunch: Same as breakfast meal or Special K Bar
  • Dinner: Your choice of meal, but in moderation
  • Snacks: Two Special K products, fruits or vegetables
  • Drinks: As consumed normally

Effective in cutting down calories

Especially for weight watchers, the Special K Diet significantly cuts down calorie intake for two weeks.

The body needs 1,500 calories to function properly in a day. The recommended breakfast and lunch meals in the Special K Diet are only 800 calories, which leaves the remaining 700 calories for dinner and snacks. Consistently following Special K Diet's meal plans certainly aids in short-term weight loss.

It is also easy to count the number of calories you are taking. Just refer to the easy-to-read labels of the Special K cereals and bars you are eating.

Improves previous eating habits

The Special K Diet encourages consumption of cereals, fruits, vegetables, and healthy protein. Two weeks into the challenge can help you evaluate your previous consumption of junk food, fast food, and other unhealthy food choices. It also highlights the importance of not skipping breakfast and controlling food portions.

Additionally, for people who often miss breakfast or routinely skips meals, sticking to the Special K Diet can provide structure to your otherwise irregular eating patterns.


*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

Effective springboard to a healthy long-term weight loss plan

If you need to shed off just a few pounds, the Special K Diet is highly recommended. Likewise, it is an ideal diet to get start with if you want to jump-start a healthy, long-term weight loss plan. You may even customize the Special K Diet and make it healthier by including exercise and drinking vitamins to make up for some nutritional gaps.

Disadvantages of the Special K Diet

Fails to provide nutrients, energy and satiety needed daily

Experts say that Special K cereals and bars are packed with empty carbohydrates and are low in fiber, which leaves dieters feeling hungrier and deprived than full.

Special K cereals and protein bars are also highly processed with sugar. Dieters commonly experience a sudden rush of sugar and it is followed subsequently with a crash. Additionally, Special K products, specifically the protein and cereal bars, reportedly contain trans fat.

Short-term solution to weight loss

The Special K Diet is anchored on the premise that fewer calories consumed means more lost weight. It does not have an exercise component nor does it encourage other lifestyle changes essential for a healthy weight loss plan.

Additionally, since exercise is not needed, the Special K Diet has little to offer in boosting metabolism, which is an essential feature in any healthy weight loss plans. Once you have returned to your normal diet as soon as the two weeks of the Special K Diet ends, there is a chance of gaining the weight you lost since it was not sustained through physical activities.

Provides little guidance for dinner meals

In the Special K Diet, dieters have the liberty to choose what they want to eat for dinner. This can be counterproductive as deprivation of food during the day may lead to uncontrolled food intake at night. Discipline figures into the diet plan since it is up to the dieter whether to continue controlling food portions at night or not.

Alternatives to Special K Diet

  • SuperSonic Keto Pills
  • Natrol Garcinia Cambogia Extract
  • Natural Accelerator


Just like any diet and weight loss programs out there, consult a nutritionist first before entering the Special K Diet. Study the diet plan, be aware of its side effects, and make sure to commit to its procedures to see the results it claims to produce.

Anyone can lose weight with the Special K Diet, but it is important to note that it is not designed as a long-term weight loss solution.

Below you'll find some of the most effective weight loss supplements on the market today, in our opinion.


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Value for the Price:

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Overall Rating: 4.8

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Value for the Price:

Brand Transparency:

Overall Rating: 4.7

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Value for the Price:

Brand Transparency:

Overall Rating: 4.7

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Rating Breakdown

Support for Claims:

Ingredient Safety:

Value for the Price:

Brand Transparency:

Overall Rating: 4.7


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